Thursday, June 3, 2010


Hey hey I've touched down in Penang :)
Damn,came back all the way from KL to eat Cheok Suah's laksa but turned out,that fella never sell today cis..
At first we wanted to drop by Ipoh for its famous Bean Sprout Chicken Rice but a change of plan at the last minute so no chicken rice nor laksa sob..
Haha reminds me of one of the peribahasa(s) that I've learnt in high school..
"Yang dikendong berciciran,yang dikejar...ok la I give up la I don't remember anymore lol..
It's okay..I've got curry fish head for dinner tonight ;)
Oh my aunt's tummy is already so big!!
I must say,motherhood is smtg that I must and want to go through in the future :)
Yes yes,of course not now..Some day later when I'm already married and financially stable to support my kids :)
My upbringings reminds me of those mums that I do not wanna be when I grow up.
I will try to be there for all the times they need there when they fall as they learn to there to console them and tell them everything it's okay when they're upset..
Give them appropriate advices as they come across important junctions in life..
Be one of those cool mums..
Be one of those understanding mums..
There when they bring their first boyfriend/girlfriend home..
Love them unconditionally..Shower them with care..
Yeah you might be thinking I don't look like one but like I said,my upbringings reminds me of those mums that I do not want to be when I want grow up..
I'll make my children the happiest and luckiest kids in this world :) really something very cool and meaningful to me

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